Friday, September 11, 2009

Freaking out.

So I am completely an utterly freaking out. I don't know what to do. I NEED a teaching job. Like real bad. I have until the 30th and then things start going screwy with my aid, and all that stuff. I do not want to leave my current job, until I am certain of a teaching job. Here comes the good part.
The president of my current company told my Boss that they should get rid of me. um.. okay. Fine, I can understand not wanting someone who is actively looking for another job, and put in their two weeks, four weeks ago, to continue working. But then my boss fought to keep me here, just in case. Not just in case I dont' get a teaching job, but just in case they need me, since he is quitting. While it is nice that he is willing to argue on my behalf to keep me, if this is going to cause bad blood between us, and the boss boss starts showing me her bad side, then I dont' want to be here. But I am way too nervous about the fact that I need a job in 19 days, or my world is going topsy turvy.
yikes. I'm just applying, applying, applying, and hoping someone gives me a chance. I haven't given up on a teaching job, but I am extremely nervous, that things are not going to line up for me the way I want. I don't want to have NO job. HELP!!

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