Sunday, July 24, 2011

To Cry or Not to Cry

So Benjamin at around 4 months was sleeping at least five hours and then would go shorter periods of time.  But now he gets up almost every 2 hours actually a little less. 
My doctor said I need to sleep train him, by letting him cry it out.  I cannot do this.  There are times I want to because I'm so tired and I just want to sleep and to not have a baby in my arms, but there is no way I can last past 20 seconds.  And wow was that a run on sentence or what?
So any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.  So far I'm just making sure his needs are met and getting as much sleep as I can get.  Well mostly I should be sleeping now

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cutest Baby Dressed Up

Had to post this. 
My Son is the Man.

Wedding Dress

So I'm not really a traditional kinda girl.   I got it into my mind, that I was not going to buy a "wedding" wedding dress.  I was looking at bridesmaids dresses and other formal wear.  I thought I had found the dress that I wanted, I just needed to try it on.  I called the store and they did not have it, they said only two stores had it.  I called both stores and they did not have my size!  Sad face. 
I then researched some more online and found another dress.  Once again, no one had it.  Finally I got a hold of a bridal boutique, and they had it!  Woohoo.  Jamie and I made an appointment and went to try it on.  While I was there I found out I didn't really like it at all.  But I found another dress that I thought was perfect.  I got fitted and everything.  They put me at a size 20, which freaked me out cause I had a bridesmaid dress at home that was a size 12.  They told Jamie they couldn't fit her.  So she suggested that we go somewhere else.  I looked it up online, and there was a Davids Bridal down the street. 
We decide to stop in.  When we got there, they told us that we could look but that we could not try anything on cause they did not have any openings. 
We walked around the store and noticed they were having a sale.  Jamie held up dresses and decided she would fit, so we went to make an appointment for the next weekend.  We went to the appointment book, and they said, you know what someone just cancelled, would you to try things on now.  We said sure.  They said even for the bride, and I was like, well okay even though I figured I was getting the other dress. 
They brought me a dress that was on sale for 50 dollars!  I was like well that is definately in the budget.  I tried it on, and felt it was perfect.  So I got a dress!  Jamie found a beautiful dress on the sale rack as well for 80 dollars. 
We went to check out, and my dress came to 28.48 and Jamie's was 50 dollars.  WE MADE OUT!  It was like it was meant to be.  Go us!


For my 30th birthday, Oscar took me to Topolobampo for it.  We had an AMAZING dinner!  Seriously, it was the most amazing meal.  Afterwords he told me he was feeling sick.  So we pulled over so that we could switch places.  He asked me if I would walk with him to see if he would get sick.  (we pulled over at the Adler Planiterium, where you can see the Chicago Sky Line) (and yes I was really slow)  So we walked closer to the water and he hugged me.  He said "I bet by now you realize I'm not sick"  I was like no, as he got on one knee.

He asked me to marry him, and I was so excited!  I definately said yes.  I couldn't wait to tell my mother, she had been waiting and waiting for this moment.  My mother didn't answer her phone!  oh no!  I called and called and called some more.  Then I called a few more times.  Finally I left a message for her to call me AS SOON AS SHE GOT THE MESSAGE!  So about 3 am, she finally called.  I was sleeping so I don't recall exactly what I told her.  But she sure was happy. 

Yay for getting married.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Well.  We have started on our solid journey.  He did not really enjoy the rice cereal, he would only eat a teeny tiny  bit.  We have done much better with sweet potatoes.  He likes them at least when I feed him.  Others seem to have trouble.  Maybe it is a mommy thing.  Love the mess!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Benjamin went from sleeping five hours and then three hours, and then another three, to going back to getting up about every two hours.  I do not know why this is.  I hope that things get better.  I am not good at sleep training because all the ones I've seen, you have to let the baby cry, and I am just not made for that.  If anyone out there has any suggestions please let me know.  Benjamin started solids, so I am hoping that will help in the long run, but so far it has not. 

Busy Busy

So of course I always have periods where I am not writing, because life gets in the way.  I am going to try and be better at updating.  So much has happened since I last wrote.
  • Benjamin went on his first plane ride
  • Benjamin visited California for the first time
  • Benjamin met Uncle Joe and Uncle Craig for the first time
  • Benjamin walked with assistance for the first time
  • Benjamin started rice cereal
  • Benjamin rolled over from front to back.  He doesn't do it consistantly though.
  • I finished my last paper for my Masters Degree, and am done!!
So as you can see we have been busy busy. 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

First Plane Trip and more!

Tomorrow we leave to go to California to see my brother.  Benjamin and him have never met!  I'm super excited.
I am not excited about lugging all the stuff by myself, but such is life.  Too bad the man couldn't get time off with me :(
I'll get over it though.  I can't wait to show Benjamin so many new things.  I know he won't remember, but he will always have pictures!
He will do so many firsts: First time meeting his Uncles.  First time on a Plane, First time leaving the state. First time in California.  First time seeing the Ocean.  phew... and probably many many  more!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Milk Production

So I've been pumping during working hours, since I started back.  At first I was getting at least 11 ounces each time I pumped.  My output went down a little bit,  So I started pumping in the morning before I went to work as well.  This made it go back up.  However, now I'm making about half of what I was making so 5-6 ounces when I pump. 
This means I am going through my reserves and not getting enough out for my son to eat everyday.

I am also feeling very anxious and upset about this.  LIke I"m not a good enough  mother.  That I am a failure because I'm not producing enough.  I'm going to try to make my supply increase again, and see if there is anything I can do.  Dr. Google said to drink water and get lots of rest.  Which hello, little baby, full time job and school.  Not going to happen.  Wish me luck. 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Past Three Months

Oh baby.  You and I have been so busy the last three months.  Mommy went back to work, and Grandma started babysitting three days, and Daddy two days. 
You love staying with both of them.
Daddy finally saw how much work it is to have the baby all to yourself!
You have started "talking"  and its so cute.
You also look at us, and smile.
You love to interact with people, much better than most of your toys.  Actually you don't really play with toys at all.  Apparently we are way more entertaining.
You do like television though, even with no sound.  You ignore everyone, just like daddy!
This morning I held you and you took steps!  Such a big boy.  I know its a long time until you actually walk, but it was still exciting to see how strong you are.  Talking steps before you even walk!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

First Day Back at Work

So I definately should have practiced getting up early, cause I totally did not want to get up when my alarm went off.  So I slept for another 40 minutes.  I then had to run and shower, feed the baby again, and then change the baby cause he spit up.  We finally got out of the house, and I got stopped by the train!  the train then stopped.  I finally dropped him off.  I didn't think I"d be so upset, but I cried all the way to work.

I was so happy to get home to him by the end of the day.  But he didn't seem fazed at all. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

7 weeks. So big

So Benjamin was actually 6 weeks in this picture.  But it is too cute for words!

He is 7 weeks old today.  I can't believe it.  It has gone by so gast.  I go back to work next week.  Which is exciting and sad all at the same time.  I'm really happy to go back and ssee my other kids.  But I am going to miss seeing everything my son does when he first does it :( 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

First Outing with Just Mommy and Me

So today, I decided if Benjamin would sleep alone, I would take a shower and we would venture out to Target.  He did!  So away we went.

This is the first time we have gone anywhere just the two of us.  And it was nice, but different, and a little difficult.  First off, I really really need to work out or something.  I have no upper arm strength.  It was hard to lift the baby and the car seat all at once.  But I did it.  We walked around target and he fell asleep, so it was pretty easy going.  The only thing that had me worried, is we haven't installed the mirror that hangs on the back of the seat, so that you can see the baby while driving. 
I'm still new, so I freak out a lot, and would have liked the reassurance of seeing for myself the baby was okay, instead of relying on sound only.  So I definately am going to have to make sure the mirror is in for our next car trip.

I am hoping that daddy will put together the stroller tonight, and if it is warm tomorrow then I will attempt a walk with baby and doggy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


So we decided to take Benjamin to get his passport and renew his daddy's all at the same time.  First we had to stop and get Benjamin's birth certificate.  Which is totally exciting.  We had to have copies of our photo ids in order to get Benjamin his passport, so I made copies on our printer.  Before we left I made sure Oscar had everything he needed, and off we went.  Little did I know that I forgot my id in the printer...

Our plans were ruined. 

Next day off we shall try again


I knew having a child was a lot of work.  I however was not prepared for the massive amount of laundry that I would have, with just one child.  I suppose if he did not spit up all the time, that would help.  But I have to change him, and me multiple times a day.  Not to mention the bedding. 

Any helpful hints on how to stop the spitting up?  I've tried holding him upright and still, to no avail.  Thanks. 

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Month Doctor's Appointment

So, at our last doctor's appointment Benjamin weighed 7 lbs 5 ounces, and was 21 inches long. 
I've seen that he has grown and I've definately felt that he weighed more, but I was worried because of the spit up, that he wasn't getting enough nutrition.  Well we learned today that he now weighs 9lbs 12 ounces and is 23 inches long!

Momma must have been sleeping with someone tall, cause everyone knows, that my family is full of shorties as is Oscar's.  So who knows where all this height comes from!

Look at this face!

How can you not love that face?

Blizzard of 2011

So I had no idea that I would worry so much about my child.  Seriously, worry all the time.  The first few night, I wouldn't sleep because I was so nervous something would happen.  Well the night before Benjamin turned one month something happened.  That something was:

It started snowing and snowing some more.  We lost power.  We had no idea when it would be turned back on.  My friend lost power, but her power came back on in ten minutes.  We did not have such luck.  I was so worried that my baby would freeze to death.  We didn't have power for 13 hours, but finally it came back on.  I guess it makes a great story, but it was horrible when it was happening!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


My son is a spitter.  He spits up a lot.  Or at least I think it is a lot.  I guess I don't really know, since he is my first child.  I don't mind that he spits up, its just so messy.  It also makes me worry he isn't getting enough to eat.  Which is another thing, he seems to be always hungry.  Good thing he is so handsome like his daddy!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Benjamin Edward Hernandez

On January 4th, I decided that I hadn't felt Benjamin move as much.  I called Dr. Bishop and she told me to go to the hospital.  I left work early and away Oscar and I went.  They told me that I was having contractions every four minutes.  I thought wow, I don't even feel it, labor is going to be so easy!  Boy was I wrong.  I hadn't dilated or effaced so they sent me home.  Oscar and I went to his parents house to hang out.  I started getting pains.  I tried breathing and rocking, and nothing helped.  I told Oscar we had to leave.  So we went to out house.  I started timing the contractions and they weren't very consisitant, but they were coming and coming and were so painful.  I had Oscar call the doctor again.  They sent me back to the hospital.
I got to the hospital and it seemed like they were ready to send me home.  However, they checked me out and I was 4 cm!  So they checked me in.  I wanted to do it without painkillers, but once I felt the pain I totally changed my mind. 
My labor stalled which stinks.  My epidural kept wearing off.  I couldn't rest, even though they told me to, cause I was feeling pain, and the blood pressure cuff kept squeezing my arm every 15 minutes.  My water broke, and they thought there was poop in it, so they got all worried.  A few hours later another doctor checked me and she decided that my water had broken behind, not below, so she really broke my water.  And boy was it gushy, she said it was fine and there was no poop i n it.  Benjamin was still refusing to move down the birth canal.  I was dilated and everything.  Finally after four epidurals and 24 hours of labor they decided to prep me for a c-section.
They took me to a room and strapped me on a table like a cross.  It was rough.  My mouth was so dry and I was so thirsty and I wasn't allowed anything.  Oscar had to wait outside until they were ready for him.  They started cutting, and one of the nurses realized he wasn't here, so they ran to get him.  Finally he was out, and I got to see him for a second.  Oscar got to cut the umbilical cord and go to the nursery with him.  I had to lay there dying of thirst while they sewed me up.  I then had to goto recovery. 

After four hours I finally got to hold my Benjamin Edward.  He is just perfect!

Monday, January 3, 2011

6 days

I am so excited.  Six days until my due date.  The past two weeks I have been just laying around and resting.  But tomorrow I have to go back to work, so we shall see.  I have a feeling my feet are going to go back to being three times their size.  I cannot wait to meet my son.