Friday, January 28, 2011

Benjamin Edward Hernandez

On January 4th, I decided that I hadn't felt Benjamin move as much.  I called Dr. Bishop and she told me to go to the hospital.  I left work early and away Oscar and I went.  They told me that I was having contractions every four minutes.  I thought wow, I don't even feel it, labor is going to be so easy!  Boy was I wrong.  I hadn't dilated or effaced so they sent me home.  Oscar and I went to his parents house to hang out.  I started getting pains.  I tried breathing and rocking, and nothing helped.  I told Oscar we had to leave.  So we went to out house.  I started timing the contractions and they weren't very consisitant, but they were coming and coming and were so painful.  I had Oscar call the doctor again.  They sent me back to the hospital.
I got to the hospital and it seemed like they were ready to send me home.  However, they checked me out and I was 4 cm!  So they checked me in.  I wanted to do it without painkillers, but once I felt the pain I totally changed my mind. 
My labor stalled which stinks.  My epidural kept wearing off.  I couldn't rest, even though they told me to, cause I was feeling pain, and the blood pressure cuff kept squeezing my arm every 15 minutes.  My water broke, and they thought there was poop in it, so they got all worried.  A few hours later another doctor checked me and she decided that my water had broken behind, not below, so she really broke my water.  And boy was it gushy, she said it was fine and there was no poop i n it.  Benjamin was still refusing to move down the birth canal.  I was dilated and everything.  Finally after four epidurals and 24 hours of labor they decided to prep me for a c-section.
They took me to a room and strapped me on a table like a cross.  It was rough.  My mouth was so dry and I was so thirsty and I wasn't allowed anything.  Oscar had to wait outside until they were ready for him.  They started cutting, and one of the nurses realized he wasn't here, so they ran to get him.  Finally he was out, and I got to see him for a second.  Oscar got to cut the umbilical cord and go to the nursery with him.  I had to lay there dying of thirst while they sewed me up.  I then had to goto recovery. 

After four hours I finally got to hold my Benjamin Edward.  He is just perfect!

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