Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Milk Production

So I've been pumping during working hours, since I started back.  At first I was getting at least 11 ounces each time I pumped.  My output went down a little bit,  So I started pumping in the morning before I went to work as well.  This made it go back up.  However, now I'm making about half of what I was making so 5-6 ounces when I pump. 
This means I am going through my reserves and not getting enough out for my son to eat everyday.

I am also feeling very anxious and upset about this.  LIke I"m not a good enough  mother.  That I am a failure because I'm not producing enough.  I'm going to try to make my supply increase again, and see if there is anything I can do.  Dr. Google said to drink water and get lots of rest.  Which hello, little baby, full time job and school.  Not going to happen.  Wish me luck. 

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