Friday, July 24, 2009

Gold Cup Semi Finals

So yesterday, I was able to, thanks to Nena, go see the Gold Cup semi-finals. Now I've never experienced a professional soccer game. I did goto a couple in high school, but it is def. not the same at all. At first I wasn't going to go, because it was a double header, and I'm a baby and like to sleep. But then I decided that I might not ever have this opportunity again to one, see a big soccer game, and two to goto soldier field. So away I went.
The first game was relatively tame. A few people through their cups on the field, but not much action. Oh wait, the wave. Seriously these fans love the wave. They(i refused to do it even once) had to have done the wave 100 times in the 6 hours we were there. I'm sorry, but it gets old. The second game of the night started about 3 hours after we got there. There was a lot of drinking being done. So the fights started. There were three fights in our part of the stadium, who knows how many in the others. Also people were folding the free program and making airplanes and throwing them all around. I just have never witnessed such craziness. The fans are also extrememly LOUD. really really loud.
I had an amazing time, and am glad that I decided to go. The three hours of sleep is something I could have lived without though.
It was really cool because USA and Mexico won. And the Mexico vs. Costa Rico game went into overtime and then into penalty kicks. It was a rush.

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