Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Bulleted Updates

  • I packed my stuff up from Jamie's. Now I just have to bring it back to my place, and then at least clean up my room.
  • I wish my family didn't fight. Noone is going to change their position, so we should all just agree to disagree and get along.
  • I want my CLOSET.
  • I ordered my Akron University transcripts, and they should arrive in 2 weeks. So hopefully then, I will at last have all things in I need in order to be considered for NTEC's programs.
  • I sent out four cover letter and resume packets to four principals to be a teacher's assistant. Hopefully I will be getting phone calls or e-mails within the next two weeks, to set up for an interview.
  • Working out is getting better. But I still never want to go. But I am down two lbs, and I hardly went last week, but I did go on sunday and burn 571 calories in an hour. So that helps. The weight loss might also be due to the fact that Oscar and I are eating healthier food.
  • My dog is the absolute cutest.
  • My mom is coming in two and a half weeks. And I am super excited, even tho I will be working.
  • My brother might actually be coming as well.(Gasp)
  • My mom and maybe that little boy who says he is my brother, will be meeting my boyfriend's family. 2 parents, 5 siblings, 3 nieces, and 1 nephew, plus 2 SO, plus us. It is going to be crazy.
  • I am on twitter now. I don' t get it. And I wish more of my friends would be on it, cause then it would be fun
  • I am currently saving for Disney, and I am doing super well.
  • I got my scores back from my basic test, and elementry test, and passed both!
  • VOO. I got a perfect on the math section. Thanks for the brains.

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