Monday, April 6, 2009


I have now had a life experience that I would like to never repeat again.
I was in a house fire.

Sunday Evening we were at Oscar's mom's house. Most of us "kids" were in the living room watching tv. Oscar's mom and dad were in the kitchen cooking. The smoke alarm starts going off. We ignore it. and ignore it, and ignore it. Finally his mom yells at Lola, and I am like what did she say. ANd she was like she wants the fire extinguisher. So they basement is burning. We start freaking out but don't leave the house. Lola manages to call 911 and we all meander our way out. It was not fun at all. The firefighters got there really fast, and seemed they were there mere seconds after the call. They had to knock out windows, they chopped through the roof, and the walls. Oscar's parents lost all thier clothes and things that were in their bedroom. The kids got smelly clothes and soot everywhere in their rooms. Or broken glass. Except for Lola, her room happened to be where they axed through the roof, so she has no ceiling.

It was very interesting to see the people who come after the fire trucks. While the house was still on fire, they were trying to get the family to sign paperwork so they could board up the house and make an estimate on the damage. The cops said to stay away from them and work with the insurance. OScar asked me to be mean and tell them to get the hell out. Which I did but they just went and sat in thier vans and watched and waited.

Most of his family went and stayed with his sister's boyfriends family. One sister and brother went to their friends house, and we took Lola.

It is all very devestating and we dont' know exactly what is going to happen to the house, and how long it will take until they can return. Please Keep his family in your thoughts.

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