Monday, June 29, 2009

It has been awhile.

So it has been forever since I wrote on this. I blame twitter. anywho.
School started and I am definately enjoying it and can't wait to actually start teaching. Tommorrow is the CPS job fair. I am nervous, but excited to make the rounds. Keep your fingers crossed that I get hired!
My working out went down the tubes again. But I'm trying again. This week, tonight actually, is gym night. Starting next week I'll start my 30 day program again, since I'm going out of town for the weekend.
There was a storm, and it knocked out our air conditioning and a section of our gutter. not fun.
I got into a water fight.
My garden is growing, and it is really exciting. My tomato plant has its first bloom. Our mint is huge, but the man, says it doesn't taste right. who knows tho.
I got to have two little girls stay the night with us saturday, I went to bed before they did!
and I think that is about all the exciting things that happened since I last wrote.

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