Friday, March 20, 2009

It's Trash!

So Yesterday a gentleman(and this is loosely used) came to the desk to check in. He laid a cigarette butt onto the counter. He then picked up a mint, and picked up the butt with the wrapper. I gave him his pass, and he holds his hand out. I look at it, and then his face, He goes "it's trash". I wanted to say Do I look like a trash can? But instead I gave him a dirty look and grabbed the trash can from beneath the desk and held it underneath his hand. DISGUSTING.
I just don't understand people. He really wanted me to touch something that he had put in his mouth and throw it away for him. He just assumed that I would take his trash. There is a trash can that he could access literally like three feet away. I really cannot believe that he wanted me to take the cigarette butt.

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